Well-Being and Quality of Life

Health is having a sense of well-being and quality of life.  It is feeling good physically, as well as mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.  Mental and emotional health are important to feeling well and getting along in life.  Social health is being able to maintain constructive interactions with others and having a sense of well-being in regard … Read more

Primary Goal

Dr. White’s primary goal is to find a constitutional homeopathic medicine suitable for each individual patient. Currently there are over 5000 individual medicines, so specializing in homeopathic medicine is necessary. When one’s constitutional homeopathic medicine is found, it will treat over 90% of illnesses the person encounters. The reason for this: we are treating the person who encounters … Read more

What if I don’t want to stop taking the medication my M.D. prescribed?

You will never be required or expected to stop taking your medication.  I can work with you with whatever medication you’re taking.  Naturopathic and homeopathic care may assist the medication in being more effective or it may assist in you needing a lower dosage of your medication.  The decision to lower or stop taking your prescription medication is … Read more

Can I use other medicines and other homeopathic medicines while I’m under constitutional homeopathic care?

Treat all life-threatening or serious illness immediately with whatever medicine you have access to.  Non-life-threatening or non-urgent cases are best answered on an individual basis.  Please contact the doctor.
