How does a classical homeopath differ from a medical doctor?
Classical homeopathy and conventional medicine are very different from each other. First of all, the philosophy of healing is different. We all agree that health is the absence of symptoms. However, while medical doctors diagnose disease based on common symptoms, homeopaths are interested in the unique symptoms of a person. Unique symptoms tell the homeopath how … Read more
Homeopathic Medicine, Questions
October 4th, 2011
What is a homeopath?
Homeopathic medicine is an effective medicine of plant, mineral, and animal sources recognized by the FDA as safe. It can be used on infants, children, adults, and the elderly without concern for toxicity. Homeopathic medicine is dilute, and a mechanical force is applied to it. Through this effect the substances used act deeply. It provides a stimulus, … Read more
Homeopathic Medicine
October 4th, 2011
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- Fiber-full and delicious: Spanish lentil recipe
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- Professional Athletes Practicing What They Eat
- A Single Homeopathic Medicine Converts a Skeptical Doctor