Urgent Care

  • If it is a life-threatening emergency, call 911.
  • For acute/urgent homeopathic or naturopathic care, call the doctor at (206) 854-8111.  If the doctor doesn’t answer right away, please leave a detailed message.  The doctor will get back to you at a time that is appropriate for the complaint.  If the doctor is with a client, she will call you between appointments.  If it is after-hours, the complaint must be of a sufficient nature.  There is a $40 additional charge for urgent care, in addition to the cost of the appointment. The patient must be an established and current patient with Dr. White. This means that the patient must have been seen by Dr. White in the last 6 months.
  • If you need acute/urgent care and haven’t received a call back, go to the nearest emergency room or call the crisis-line at (206) 461-3222.
  • If you have been hospitalized, please call the office at (206) 854-8111 and leave a detailed message as to your condition and how I may get a hold of you.