Canker Sores
People often have white, painful ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue, which can be a troubling nuisance, making eating and drinking uncomfortable. Canker sores, or apthous ulcers which they are referred to by the medical community, aren’t the same thing as cold sores or herpes. Cold sores are caused by a virus that’s spread from person to person through touch. The cause of canker sores is unknown but there are some suspects, mentioned below.
- Food allergies (in particular gluten and dairy) can be one culprit and the elimination of food allergies usually causes them to go away completely.
- WebMD states that citrus or acidic fruits and vegetables (such as lemons, oranges, pineapples, apples, figs, tomatoes, and strawberries) can trigger them or make them worse.
- Michael Murray, ND (author of many books and naturopathic spokes person) and WebMD alike believe they can be caused by nutritional deficiencies, especially of thiamin, folic acid, vitamin B-12, vitamin B-6, zinc or iron. (Correcting nutritional deficiencies should never be done without the advice of a physician as some nutrients can be toxic in over the counter amounts.)
- Others believe that sodium lauryl sulfate in toothpaste is a contributing cause. Brushing with just baking soda alone or a toothpaste without that substance in it can reduce their recurrence.
Blog, Health Tips
April 20th, 2012
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- Sun Safety, Sunscreen Safety and Vitamin D
- American Ideals Meets Children The Challenge and Mrs. Piggle Wiggle
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- Arsenic in Rice
- Abraham Lincoln- a Homeopathic Enthusiast
- Chocolopolis: The Best Chocolate Shop in Seattle
- Beneficial Organisms in Unforeseen Places
- Simple Measures for Insomnia
- Obesity- An Inflammation and Hormonal Problem
- Cold Water Dips for Vitality
- Canker Sores
- Light Therapy for Acne
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- Finding One’s Passion in Life
- How to Make a Salve
- Fasting for Better Health
- The Dirty Dozen (of Foods)
- Foods to Avoid, Experts Say
- Book Review: Incognito by David Eaglemann
- Fiber-full and delicious: Spanish lentil recipe
- Colds and Flus
- Musculoskeletal Injuries 101
- Professional Athletes Practicing What They Eat
- A Single Homeopathic Medicine Converts a Skeptical Doctor