Colds and Flus
According to homeopathic thinking, a healthy person should respond to colds and flus with mild symptoms allowing a person to continue to function or with a short intense phase of symptoms lasting about a day. Easily caught colds and flus, recurrent colds and flus, and prolonged intense discomfort are all signs that the body is struggling with a run down immune system or chronic illness. If you find yourself experiencing these signs of chronic illness, make an appointment with me to increase your body’s resistance to colds and flus. My work focuses on strengthening the body so that it’s less prone to illness, including contagious disease.
Many people in developed countries have chronic illness whether the symptoms are mild, moderate or severe. There are many reasons for this, including hereditary factors, environmental toxicity, damage caused by pharmaceutical medication, and poor nutrition. An aging body is not in and of itself a reason for chronic illness. Homeopaths believe that “catching” contagious illness relies on susceptibility. This is not to say that a person who believes they aren’t susceptible should expose themselves to contagious illness, but it is saying that a body that lacks resistance allows those viruses and bacteria to overcome their system and major symptoms occur. It is also not saying that a healthy person should not occasionally become sick with a cold and flu, but even in these cases, it’s likely the immune system is run down at that time. The emphasis for homeopaths is not the viruses and bacteria that cause infection but it’s the strength of the body that resist infection. From this perspective, I do not recommend the use of flu shots, except for some people with very specific health conditions.
So, what can you do in the interim before you body has gained strength? Here are some supportive steps to consider.
1. Vitamins
Vit C: Whether you get this through citrus fruits, bell peppers or supplementation, Vit C is a very potent antioxidant that protects and increases white blood cells and antibodies, which fight infections.
Zinc: Zinc plays an important role in the immune system. While zinc toxicity can easily be met, sucking on zinc lozenges every 2 hours during the time of a cold will keep you away from the risk while improving your immune response. Oysters are the food highest in zinc that you can eat. Beef, crab, turkey and chicken are also good sources but considerably lower than oysters.
Vit D: In the northwest where direct sun exposure is decreased or anywhere else where people wear sunblock from the moment they walk outdoors, and because of the predominance of mal-absorption in society, Vit D is often deficient. Be sure to get tested for a deficiency in Vit D which can affect your immune system. Repair your digestion. And, during the warm, sunny months, put sunscreen on after 15-20 min of sun exposure, not before going outside. Don’t forgo sun screen all together as you don’t want to increase the risk of skin cancer. Cod liver oil, Salmon, Herring and canned sardines, and fortified milk are some of the best ways to get Vit D into your body short of supplementation.
Vit A: While Vit A is required for a normal functioning immune system, it should not be used without the advice of a physician because of its potential to cause birth defects. Carotenoids convert to retinol, a form of Vit A in the body. The best source of carotenoids are yellow, orange, red and green vegetables. Generally the more colored the vegetable is the more carotenoid it has in it.
2. Herbs
Note: herbs have short half lives so they must be taken frequently.
Elderberries or Elderflowers fights bacteria. The plant is a decongestant and it increases the heat of the body (and causes a sweat to break) so as to fight off invading organisms. Many stores have preparations made from these.
Echinacea stimulates the immune system (and should not be used without the specific advice from a physician in those who have an overactive immune system or immune compromised condition). It is most effective when taken at the first sign of a cold or flu (especially in the first minutes of experiencing symptoms) before the virus or bacteria has taken hold of the immune system.
Chamomile is very useful for fevers and infections. It can also be very useful for the insomnia experienced during colds and flus. Packaged chamomile tea is in every store.
Garlic is incredibly antiviral and is an antioxidant. It helps fevers by increasing one’s ability to sweat.
Ginger activates the immune system and is an antioxidant. It can be very useful for the nausea felt in flus.
Mullein fights off infection, decreases inflammation and acts as a decongestant. It is most useful for soothing respiratory tracts when the coughs are dry, harsh and irritated.
Stinging Nettle is a beautiful herb that helps a person transition into the next season through its immune stimulating and anti-bacterial activity.
Thyme is highly antiseptic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory especially to the respiratory tract. It also increases perspiration to bring down fevers. Never use the essential oil without the advice of a physician.
3. Homeopathic Remedies
Note: It would fill an all day class to cover all the homeopathic remedies for colds and flus. The following list describes a few of the most important ones. If your symptoms match the symptoms of one of these remedies, it may be a good remedy to relieve your symptoms. A good homeopathic medicine will eliminate all symptoms in 1-3 days along with immediate relief, depending on when in the process it’s started. If your symptoms don’t match one of these remedies or you try a few but don’t get relief, make an appointment with me for a more specific prescription.
Sinus problems
Kali-bichromicum: This remedy is specific to nasal congestion that is thick, sticky and even stringy. The person can even have complete blockage of their sinuses with a nasal tone to the voice and a headache at the forehead. They tend to be quite serious, pragmatic and/or rule oriented during their cold.
Allum cepa: The nasal discharge is profuse and burns the nose. The nose may or may not be blocked. The eyes may be watering too but they don’t burn. The person is better in the open air.
Sore throats
Note: It is always wise to get a strep culture for any sore throat to rule out a strep infection, especially in children. There is no need to risk heart disease caused by a simple sore throat.
Aconite: Is a great remedy for the very early stages of a cold when the person has been exposed to dry cold wind. The person has a sudden onset of symptoms. Their throat is bright red and it burns. Their face is flushed and they have a high fever. They are thirsty for cold drinks. They are restless and anxious, maybe even fearful.
Belladonna: The sore throat comes on rapidly. It mostly is a right-sided sore throat and the pain is burning. The person can’t stand the slightest touch on their throat and so any swallowing or motion (even moving around) hurts. This person will often have a flushed face and dilated pupils. Lights and sounds may be too much to bare. They have a high fever and feel quite hot in temperature too. They are thirstless.
Lachesis: The sore throat is left-sided or begins on the left and spreads from there. The tonsils are very swollen and can be dark in color. There is a constricted feeling in the throat. The person doesn’t like anything touching their throat. They are worse with warm drinks and better with cold drinks. In general, they are hot in temperature too. It can be easier to swallow solids than it is swallowing liquids. The personality of the sick person tends to be intense and talkative. They may even be suspicious.
Mercurius: The sore throat often produces ulcers in the back of the throat. The tongue is coated, appears dirty and the teeth leave tongue imprints. The person has increased saliva. Their breath is foul and offensive. Their personality during the cold is unstable going from hypersensitive to domineering, they can’t concentrate and they are restless.
Ear infections
Chamomilla: Extremely painful ear infections or the person is very sensitive to the pain. They are worse touching their ears, at night, and in cold air. One cheek may be red and the other pale. The person is greatly irritable and cross. They want to be rocked or carried around yet they can want one thing then reject it immediately.
Pulsatilla: The ears feel so full that they will burst. They are usually warm in temperature and want cold open air. Gentle motion makes them feel better. If they have nasal symptoms, the mucus will be yellowish green. The personality during the cold is tender, weepy and looking for affection.
Influenzinum: This combination remedy is made every autumn for the coming years’ strain of the flu. Instructions are in fint print on the Boiron labels.
Occillococcinum: Many people have great results with this remedy for the flu when symptoms are caught in time. Boiron gives exact instructions on its use.
Aconite: Sudden onset of symptoms (especially after being exposed to cold dry weather), fever with chilliness, anxiety or fear, restlessness.
Arsenicum: The person often has nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. They have chills and shakes. They have great thirst but can only take liquids in small sips. Their personality is restlessly anxious and they need people around at all times to comfort them.
Bryonia: The most distinct symptoms of Bryonia are severe pains that are worse with the slightest movement or noise. They are quite irritable and want to be left alone while lying completely still. Pain is better from pressure. Headache worse coughing. They think about work a lot. They have a thirst for cold fluids.
Eupatorium perf: Intense aching pain, like their bones feel broken. Head pain is of a bursting quality. They try to remain very still because any movement causes the pain to worsen. They have chills, especially along the back. Their eyeballs can be sore.
Gelsemium: The person is very weak and has a great feeling of heaviness. Their head feels heavy, eyelids feel heavy and their limbs feel heavy. Their weakness causes them to tremble. They have great chills or their chills alternate with flushes of heat. They have chills along their back. Tehy have bursting headaches. Their personality is timid and cowardly. They feel they can’t face a task they must do. They generallly are thirstless.
Mercurius sol: This state has lots of sweating and it can be offensive. These people often have very foul smelling breath and excess salivation. They are often suspicious.
Rhus tox: They are stiff and lame especially on first motion. They are better with continued motion but they become weak quickly. After resting, they become restlessness which drives them to move again. The flu often is brought on by the exposure to cold damp weather. Their fever can be intense. They have great thirst.
Blog, Health Tips
December 4th, 2011
Links to Blog
- Sun Safety, Sunscreen Safety and Vitamin D
- American Ideals Meets Children The Challenge and Mrs. Piggle Wiggle
- How To Avoid Getting Covid-19
- Homeopathy In Epidemics
- Arsenic in Rice
- Abraham Lincoln- a Homeopathic Enthusiast
- Chocolopolis: The Best Chocolate Shop in Seattle
- Beneficial Organisms in Unforeseen Places
- Simple Measures for Insomnia
- Obesity- An Inflammation and Hormonal Problem
- Cold Water Dips for Vitality
- Canker Sores
- Light Therapy for Acne
- Reputable Supplement Brands
- Finding One’s Passion in Life
- How to Make a Salve
- Fasting for Better Health
- The Dirty Dozen (of Foods)
- Foods to Avoid, Experts Say
- Book Review: Incognito by David Eaglemann
- Fiber-full and delicious: Spanish lentil recipe
- Colds and Flus
- Musculoskeletal Injuries 101
- Professional Athletes Practicing What They Eat
- A Single Homeopathic Medicine Converts a Skeptical Doctor