(206) 854-8111

Homeopathy is a wonderful medicine that not only provides results, it also provides a great framework for viewing health and disease. Homeopathy is “wholistic,” meaning that it views the health of an individual as a whole (physical, mental, emotional, spirit).  A condition, no matter how small, must be viewed through the lens of the overall health. And, the goal with treatment is that the overall person becomes healthier with each disappearance of symptoms. While there a very few true acute conditions, most acute conditions are viewed as acute exacerbations of a chronic dis-ease in homeopathy. While this can seem cumbersome for someone who just wants a quick fix, health is a more profound concept than just patching things up. Health is a process of building: we build health; we maintain health; and there are things in the world and in our daily lives that can and do tear down what has been built and that can even erode our foundations, and these we need to ward against and rebuild from. While I specialize in homeopathy because it is the deepest form of cure; I also work with one’s lifestyle through diet, herbs, supplements, and counseling to build a stronger foundation and better health for individuals.

During appointments we discuss all the factors of health and dis-ease in your life and I deeply listen for patterns that are present. Time and care are given to understanding you and your condition and how the condition has affected you; equal time and care are given when analyzing the data to understand the dis-ease and develop treatment that will foster your health and stimulate your healing.

Health is maintained by living a healthy lifestyle of eating well, drinking clean water, breathing clean air, movement, internal cleansing, stimulating the healing mechanisms within your body, and being connected to the people in your life, your immediate world around you, and your faith. My treatment addresses all these factors of health-care; when we can affect the physical body, mental body, emotional body and spiritual body all together, a deeper restoration of health ensues.

Please join me in creating better health together!
