Abraham Lincoln- a Homeopathic Enthusiast
Dana Ullman, owner of Homeopathic Education Services, is a prolific writer on the homeopathic subject. His latest article in the December 23, 2012 edition of the Huffington Post titled “Lincoln and his Team of Homeopaths” is another timely look at past accomplishes of homeopathy. The 1800’s were a high time in homeopathy. It had numerous accomplishments and many people in Europe and the Eastern United States sought homeopaths for medical care as Ullman shows in his article. He states that Lincoln surrounded himself with homeopathic supporters. Many prominent citizens and politicians participated on the board of trustees of the Hahnemann Medical College, which Lincoln obtained a charter for. Lincoln’s Secretary of State, William Seward, frequently sought the advice of homeopaths. The American Institute of Homeopathy dedicated a monument, named Scott Circle, which can still be seen today in Washington, DC, in honor of Tullio Suzzara Verdi, MD, doctor to William Seward. Dr. Verdi was appointed to the bureau of health in Washington, DC. Lincoln’s appointed Major General to the Union Army during the Civil War, George Brinton McClellan, fell ill from typhoid fever and was treated by homeopathic doctors. The Major General was well enough to work during the illness and full recovered to live another 23 years. Typhoid fever is known to have killed more people during the Civil War than warfare itself. Lincoln was a regular customer of homeopathic medicines at the Diller Drug Store in IL.
To put Lincoln’s time into perspective:
1796: Homeopathy was invented by Samuel Hahnemann, MD in Germany
1825: First American Homeopath, Hans Burch Gram, MD
1835: First American Homeopathic School run by Constantine Hering, MD
1843: Hahnemann dies
1847: AMA established
1861: President Lincoln inaugurated as the 16th President of the United States
1861-1865: U.S. Civil War
1865: President Lincoln assassinated
1870: Germ Theory began to come together
January 6th, 2013
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